(1997, 1998, 2005)
I remember how Viktor Stoilov asked me to discuss with Magor the possibility of editing his theoretical works. He didn’t know him personally yet at the time. I asked Magor about it in a club in the Jilská Street. I also recall an encounter at night, near the former wine bar U Šupů. The whole editorial circle of the Critical Supplement of Revolver Revue was standing there, Magor is passing by and asks me for some dough. On that occasion, I introduced him to Michael Špirit, the editor of his critical and journalistic texts, without whom Magor’s Notebook would have never seen the light of day. If I am not mistaken, The Notebook had already been published by then. A third memory – I am picking up the phone and, at Terezie Pokorná’s request, I am dictating her answer to a redactor of Lidové Noviny concerning the Book of the Year survey, back then she was still willing to contribute to it. As I am pronouncing the title Magor’s Sum, Petr Borkovec says: "Well then Magor has won it". And we could go on for a while like that.

The Complete Works of Ivan Martin Jirous